The Institute for Diversity and Inclusion,
Hiroshima University


JFY2023 Information Sharing Forum
“Supporting the Advancement of Female Researchers: Progress and Achievements in the U.S.”
will be held by Hiroshima University, under the Diversity Research Environment Realization Initiative as below.

JFY2023 Information Sharing Forum
“Supporting the Advancement of Female Researchers: Progress and Achievements in the U.S.”
will be held by Hiroshima University, under the Diversity Research Environment Realization Initiative as below.

Date and time : 13:00 – 17:00 (planned), Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Venue : Hiroshima Convention Hall, Hiroshima City *Onsite Only

Language : Japanese and English (simultaneous interpretation)

Admission : Free

Major Lecturers

Keynote Speech I

Gender equity lessons from US higher education

Dr. Monica Gaughan (Professor, Arizona State University)

Keynote Speech II

Past and future support for female researchers

Dr. Barry Bozeman (Emeritus Professor, Arizona State University)

Discussion Session

Learning from the U.S. Experiences


1) Report on visit to universities in U.S.

2) Report on visit to universities in Sweden

3) Discussions among discussants and participants

For more details, please refer to the flyer.
We expect your participation.